Committing Early & Often

This post will be a little different than previous posts. I’ve decided to move away from longer-form articles (1,000+ word range) to more digestible and insightful articles in the <500 word range in an attempt to encourage my posting more frequently. Despite that last sentence, I’m also trying to be more concise in my writing.


A key principle in agile software development is committing your code early and often. It helps you validate your ideas more quickly and at lower risk, since each idea is smaller and tested before committing. It also helps others on your development team integrate your changes more easily. The result is a better, more stable, more resilient codebase for everyone. It has dawned on me these could be equally valuable concepts and outcomes for this site.

As a result of this new approach, many ideas won’t be fully fleshed out, won’t represent my current understanding, and may even represent my understanding poorly. It’s a risk I’m willing to accept in the hope that more people might engage with the ideas and that I might improve my understanding of each topic by committing it to internet paper more frequently.

Should you have suggestions on experimenting towards what this blog (if I can call it that) may be, let’s connect!

Appreciation to Tomasz Tunguz for inspiring this experiment.


Now read this

Will you change your culture here?

Most investors in “agile transformations” dramatically underestimate the extent to which cultural change is necessary to achieve the outcomes they imagine. Culture change is the greatest limiting factor of agility. Agile communities and... Continue →